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Introduction To Screenwriting

A film set clapboard

Learn how to write for the screen

Academy Award-winning films and blockbuster action movies all start with one critical core element: the script. Do you think you have a great idea? Join our class as we combine professional screenwriting formatting lessons and story structure in order to create entertaining and engaging screenplays. Successful students will be able to develop a strong premise, dimensional characters and dynamic scenes while building the confidence necessary to write a feature-length script. Our creative writing exercises will help you write short scenes for constructive peer/instructor evaluation in class.

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Learner Outcomes

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Create a strong premise for your screenplay
  • Analyze film scenes from script to screen
  • Present strong pitches
  • Demonstrate basic skills to write a professionally formatted screenplay
  • Prepare up to the first ten pages of feature length screenplay
  • Define important screenwriting competitions, fellowships, and representation

Course Schedule


Introduction To Screenwriting Course Information

Contact Hours
12 hours

Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit - $425.00