Creative Writing
Explore methodologies across all writing categories as you refine both your personal style and voice utilizing the most effective tools and techniques. Schedule flexibility combined with a variety of elective options allows you to tailor the curriculum based on personal interests and skill sets. Build your platform and grow your brand as you work to successfully achieve your writing goals.
- Creative Writing Certificate
- Essentials of Creative Writing
- Introduction To Screenwriting
- Narrative Writing Workshop
- Poetry Workshop
- Funny Business: Finding Humor
- Even Funnier Business: Finding Humor 2
- The Business Of Creative Writing
- Writing Inspired By Surrealist Art, Film, And Poetry
- Writing Your Truth: Memoir
- Advanced Revision Workshop

Creative Writing Certificate
Our customizable Creative Writing Certificate program provides individualized guidance from experienced instructors who have published works in multiple genres.
Creative Writing Certificate Details (Creative Writing Certificate)Courses

Essentials of Creative Writing
Through weekly lectures, readings, and opportunities to share your work in a supportive environment, you will begin to hone your craft, learning tips for how to create compelling characters, snappy dialogue, and satisfying story structures.
Essentials of Creative Writing Course Details (Essentials of Creative Writing)
Introduction To Screenwriting
Do you think you have a great idea? Join our class as we combine professional screenwriting formatting lessons and story structure in order to create entertaining and engaging screenplays.
Introduction To Screenwriting Course Details (Introduction To Screenwriting)
Narrative Writing Workshop
This writing-intensive course takes a hands-on approach to the craft of storytelling, exploring the tools, materials, and mechanics used to construct powerful narratives, whether fictional or factual.
Narrative Writing Course Details (Narrative Writing Workshop)
Poetry Workshop
In this class, we will cover the “how-to” of haiku, in addition to reviewing the basic elements underlying poetry of any length or style—meter, metaphor, and musicality.
Poetry Workshop Course Details (Poetry Workshop)
Funny Business: Finding Humor
You have a funny bone, but you seem to have misplaced it in your writing. How can you create a balance with all those pesky narrative components while adding humor? This course will set you on the path to highlight moments with humor.
Funny Business Course Details (Funny Business: Finding Humor)
Even Funnier Business: Finding Humor 2
Get ready to have even more fun than before (if that’s possible). Even Funnier Business will give you access to more techniques and styles to further develop what you consider to be humorous and myriad ways to access it.
Even Funnier Business Course Details (Even Funnier Business: Finding Humor 2)
The Business Of Creative Writing
Learn how to identify your brand and build your platform, as well as to evaluate the commercial potential of your work and understand the paths toward monetizing your writing.
Business Of Creative Writing Course Details (The Business Of Creative Writing)
Writing Inspired By Surrealist Art, Film, And Poetry
Tap into the endless flexibility of your imagination by utilizing Surrealist techniques to generate and express your wildly creative ideas.
Writing Inspired By Surrealist Art Course Details (Writing Inspired By Surrealist Art, Film, And Poetry)
Writing Your Truth: Memoir
This course will set you on the path to discovering your truth, highlighting your supporting cast of characters, and determining the urgency behind your own story.
Writing Your Truth: Memoir Course Details (Writing Your Truth: Memoir)
Advanced Revision Workshop
During this workshop, our instructor—an experienced editor and writer—will provide valuable constructive feedback for participants and their respective works. Participants must submit a sample of work.
Advanced Revision Workshop Course Details (Advanced Revision Workshop)