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Microsoft Excel Boot Camp: From Rookie to Rockstar

Presentation of an Excel sheet

Build your skills while preparing for the Microsoft Excel Certification Exam

Do you think Excel is boring? Well, you haven't met instructor Greg Creech! Join Greg in the Microsoft Excel Boot Camp as he infuses fun and humor while providing a comprehensive and in-depth learning experience that prepares students for career advancement through a thorough knowledge of Excel. Students will learn the most popular and useful tools in Excel for functions, analytics, information management and manipulation, and greater productivity.

We designed this course for novice to intermediate-level users of Excel, especially for the day-to-day user, who wants to expand their Excel skillset into advanced areas of Excel. The Excel Boot Camp aids in the preparation for the Microsoft Excel certification exam, and the instructor will advise the students on the process and advantages of Excel certification.


To be successful in this class, participants should already have the following skills:

  • Comfortable navigating in Windows: can save and download files and use copy, cut and paste
  • Know how to enter and edit data in a cell when using MS Excel
  • Know how to do basic formatting of numbers, dates, and text
  • Comfortable editing and creating SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT functions in MS Excel
  • Know how to sort and filter data tables in MS Excel

Participants who need to review these skills should consider taking Microsoft Excel Basics prior to registering for this course.

View Enrollment Details

Available Formats

For this course, students can choose* whether to attend a live, instructor-led class or a Flexibly-Paced format in which they view videos of the curriculum on their own. 

Option 1: Instructor-Led Online

  • HyFlex-Online/Remote
    • Students meet live with instructor via Zoom at scheduled time. 

Option 2: Instructor-Led In Person

  • HyFlex-In Person/Classroom
    • Students meet live with instructor at our Century Center location at the scheduled time. Please bring a laptop or other device that can run MS Excel.

Option 3: Flexibly-Paced

  • Students watch videos based on the provided schedule
  • Students complete assignments by the specificed due date
  • Students only meet with instructor during office hours
    • Instructor will answer questions, but students must watch all videos in module prior to attending

*Once registered, the chosen format cannot be switched.

Course Outline

  • Lesson 1. Productivity
    • Excel worksheet and workbook short-cuts with the keyboard and menus
    • Navigation and selection keyboard short cuts
    • Customize the Quick Access Toolbar and Ribbon

  • Lesson 2. Five Fs of Excel: The Fundamentals of Excel
    • Formatting – Basic and advanced/custom formatting
    • Fills – AutoFill for dates, text, numbers, formulas/functions, and Flash Fill
    • Functions – Sum, Average, Count, Counta, and Today/Now
    • Filters/Sorts – Data manipulation with multiple filtering and sorting data tables

  • Lesson 3. Scenario Manager
    • Add and edit What If analysis on finances and forecasts for budget/expenses
    • Save scenarios and re-use
    • Create a summary worksheet of our scenarios

  • Lesson 4. Creating a Financial Table and Analytics with Scenario Manager
    • Create and build a financial workbook from beginning to end
    • Learn the PMT function
    • Introduction to the Name Box and Name Manager
    • Analyze financial data with Scenario Manager

  • Lesson 5. Managing and Manipulating Data Tables
    • Format as Table
    • Custom Views
    • Functions: Concatenate, Left/Right, Upper/Lower
    • Text-to-Columns and Flash Fill review
    • Removing Duplicates
    • Slicers and more Filtering and Sorting

  • Lesson 6. Intermediate Functions
    • Date Calculations for days, months, and years using the Today function
    • VLookup/HLookup
    • If Then Else and multiple If Then Else statements

  • Lesson 7. Business Anayltics
    • SubTotals
    • Charts
    • PivotTables
    • Review Scenario Manager

  • Lesson 8. Security, Protection, and Data Validation
    • Protect workbooks and worksheets with passwords and settings
    • Limit cells a user may enter/edit data
    • Data Validation for accurate data entry for lists, dates, and numbers and for criteria selection

  • Lesson 9. Advanced Functions

  • Lesson 10. Macros
    • Macro overview
    • Formatting macro
    • Page Set-up macro
    • Sorting macro

Learner Outcomes

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Create and edit popular and complex functions with ease
  • Analyze information with SubTotals, PivotTables, and Scenario Manager
  • Manage and manipulate large data tables using Format as Table, Text-to-Columns, and text functions
  • Increase productivity with keyboard and mouse shortcuts, macros, and the Quick Access toolbar
  • Develop and implement Excel workbooks with security and protection
  • Build a financial workbook and data table for loans and an amortization schedule
  • Insert charts and graphs to provide a visual representation of the data

Microsoft Excel Boot Camp: From Rookie to Rockstar

Contact Hours
19.5 hours 

Course Fee(s)
HyFlex - $895.00

Flexibly-Paced - $795.00


  • Greg Creech