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Excelling At Excel: The 5 Fs

Discover the "5 Fs of Excel"
In this half-day course, students will discover the important 5 Fs of Excel: Formatting, Fills, Formulas, Functions, and Filters/Sorts.
- Formatting: Using and creating custom formatting for SSNs, phone numbers, and other special types of data.
- Fills: Using fills for dates, numbers, formulas/functions, and how to create your fills.
- Functions: Using SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, COUNTA, TODAY, CONCATENATE, and other functions.
- Formulas: Using Relative, Absolute/Mixed, and 3-D references
- Filters/Sorts: Using Excel as a database/table for filtering and sorting data.
Audience: This course is designed for those who are familiar with Excel and want to learn to perform more complex tasks and functions. This course builds on "Excelling at Excel: The FUNdamentals."
Course Outline
Lesson 1. Formatting- Merge and Center, Text Orientation, Fills and Borders
- Conditional Formatting
- Styles and creating your own style for cells, rows, and columns
- Special formats for SSNs, Phone numbers, and Zip Codes
- Custom formats for creating your own data format
- Text, dates, numbers, and formulas and functions
- Custom Lists
- Flash Fill (Excel 2013 and 2016)
- Syntax for creating formulas
- Calculate time periods for days and years
- Difference formulas
- Various references in Excel for relative, absolute/mixed, and 3-D References
- CONCATENATE (join two or more text strings into one string)
- Linking worksheets with a formula/function
- Table/database rules and guidelines
- Format as Table using Table Styles
- Filtering a table/database for date ranges
- Filtering for number ranges and Top/Bottom Rules
- Filtering for specific text
- Filtering for texts begins with, ends with, or contain text characters
- Sorting a table/database using one and multiple criteria with custom sorts
- Sorting a worksheet that is not in a table/database format
Learner Outcomes
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Create and use special and custom formats
- Employ Conditional Formatting based on various criteria
- Use AutoFill to save lists and for dates, text, numbers, and formulas and functions
- Develop formulas and functions in Excel for tables and databases
- Filter your information quickly for date ranges, numbers, and text lists
- Course Schedule
Excelling At Excel: The 5 Fs Course Information
Contact Hours
3 hours