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Managing Difficult Conversations and Situations

A work confrontation between two men

Learn to manage and master difficult workplace situations

Difficult situations often arise in the workplace. This course addresses the more common situations and people and identifies strategies for dealing with them. Participants in this course will be exposed to the basic communication strategies that can work across all difficult behavior situations. This will help participants realize that the more proficient we are at managing ourselves the more confident we become managing difficult conversations and situations. Participants will look back at this practical course with a real sense of satisfaction and gratitude! Learn how to have open, robust and fearless conversations.

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Learner Outcomes

After this class, you will be able to:
  • Understand how and why we use confrontation language and escalate situations
  • Create prevention strategies to handle sensitive issues to avoid escalation and recognize problems before they become a crisis
  • Determine the manner in which they come across to others
  • Identify and perform the three line assertion communication technique to conduct difficult conversations
  • Identify the most common types of difficult conversations in their organizations and apply strategies for dealing with them


Online (Instructor-led)Nov 14, 20248:30AM - 12:30PMZoom

Managing Difficult Conversations and Situations Course Information

Contact Hours
4 hours

Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit - $245.00

Next Steps

Start the registration process.