Find Your Creative Self: The New Emory Digital Marketing Certificate

By Mary Zimnik, Emory Program Instructor
I’ve been working as a creative (and educator) for three decades. I’ve jumped through some tricky hoops with the transformation into digital. There was one stand-out lesson I learned. Being fulfilled in my career has less to do with externals and far more to do with honoring who I am. I cannot suppress my creative drive and still be happy. Nor can you.
So, I challenge you now to find your truest career creative self. You might fit quite snugly in a digital marketing role. Such a path may best foster your creative reach and professional empowerment.
Is the Emory Digital Marketing Certificate right for you?
You may be a complete novice and new to marketing, branding, or content development. Or you may be well versed in traditional marketing but not in digital. The new Emory Continuing Education (ECE) Digital Marketing Certificate will fit your needs either way. It’s designed for that. The program is flexible, affordable, fast, and will work for your busy life.
Digital marketing can offer you many options to fit who you are as a creative and what you need for a career path. The industry is exploding in exciting new directions with 860,000 open opportunities. According to LinkedIn, a digital marketer role is number six in the top ten most in-demand jobs now. Forbes says digital marketing is one of the top five in-demand tech skills needed in 2023. Worldwide 75% of all companies are pouring the majority of their marketing budgets into digital. In only three years (by 2026) that will swell to three-quarters of a trillion dollars. Most brands are in some process of digital transformation. Yet there are not enough qualified people to fill digital marketing roles. That’s why this is a perfect time for you to consider this.
In this new program, we’ll focus on how to build and launch better multichannel campaigns. That’s the bottom-line essential for anyone in the field. We’ll cover audiences, competition, segmentation and channel strategy, and running campaigns. We’ll also delve into how social media and content become the vehicle for what a brand needs to say in the market.
We’ll use storytelling as the blueprint for voicing compelling campaign messages. We’ll address how to hone the innate storyteller in you. Authentic stories differentiate one brand from another and forge relationships that foster loyalty. There’s a lot of warm connectivity story-driven marketing accomplishes in the flat coolness of digital. Well-developed campaigns can cut through the chatter and affect us. Stories as that blueprint add meaning to what we do as digital marketers.
It’s the best time to be a career creative
I’ve been doing creative work for a long time. Never before have career creatives:
● been paid (and respected) better
● been encouraged to champion truth in branding as we are now
● had so many diverse opportunities to influence the voice of brands, and
● done all that while forging a career that gives us so many choices.
It’s exciting. And it’s about time.
You know you are creative. You have always been artistic, innovative, and enthusiastic about telling stories. You’re an original, and you know how to motivate, plan, and bring ideas to life. You’ve funneled that creative energy into moments that you relished. Why not level that up to shape and solidify a fulfilling path as a career creative?
It’s time to dive in, design your career, and take control of that direction:
● Are you seeking meaning and purpose in your line of work?
● Have you hit a ceiling and need to push through into better income and opportunity?
● Isn’t it about time you get to work on your own terms?
As you seek the right fit, what you may find as a result is a new you in a new year quite happy and content forging your career in digital marketing.
Click here to contact program advisor Marilia Perottoni to discuss your educational pathway. Register here to join Marilia and me for a free webinar where we’ll discuss the program and answer your questions.
Learn more about the Emory Digital Marketing Certificate.