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Discovering Your Strengths Workshop

Discover and leverage your personal strengths
Each of us has talents and strengths that we bring with us every day, whether we use them or not. Learn precisely what strengths you have, and then learn how to leverage those strengths to be a better co-worker and a better individual. Assessments, like "running with scissors," can be dangerous in the wrong hands. But using the results of your personalized CliftonStrengths assessment, your instructor will guide you through the steps that can help you to achieve the most from what's revealed about you by that assessment. In turn, you, your team, and those around you can all unleash the power that comes from this newly gained knowledge.
Course Outline
Lesson 1. Introduction
- Objectives
- Why Strengths?
- What the research says
Lesson 2. Name Your Strengths
- "Unpacking" the CliftonStrengths Assessment
- Reviewing the results of the assessment
- Identifying the dominant area of personal focus
Lesson 3. Claim What You Do Well
- Strengths in action: describing how your top themes work for you and appear to your co-workers, friends and family as you are engaged in ideal situations and stressed situations
- Crafting a personal mission statement
Lesson 4. Focus on Applying Your Strengths
- How to "aim" your strengths
- What to share with co-workers, friends and family
- Visioning for the future
Lesson 5. Create Your Plan!
Discovering Your Strengths Workshop Course Information
Contact Hours
4 hours
Course Fee(s)
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