Developing a Growth Mindset to Drive Performance

Embrace your challenges as opportunities
You've heard that “Attitude is everything!” The particular way you think about the world and the adversity you face actually impacts your ability to perform and succeed. According to the principles of a Growth Mindset, when you believe that skills can be improved with effort and persistence, and embrace your challenges as opportunities for personal growth and learning, and you can thrive in that growth. You build grit and mental toughness, and you develop relationships where growth is the shared purpose. Very little can derail you, or your focus, when you deploy a growth mindset. Learn to embody a growth mindset as individuals and as teams, and how to elevate your business performance, in this online and interactive workshop.
Required Book
Required Pre Reading Textbook: None
Recommended post-workshop reading:
- MINDSET by Carol Dweck
- GRIT by Angela Duckworth
- YouTube Content
Course Outline
What will be covered:
Lesson 1. Defining A Growth Mindset
- Definition of The Growth Mindset
- Comparing Our Options
- The History of The Growth Mindset
- Where It's Being Leveraged and Taught
- Growth Mindset (Grit, Connection, and Resilience) to Drive Performance
- Exercise to Explore Mindset
Lesson 2. Disciplines and Behaviors of Growth
- Mindfulness and The Power of Our Breath
- Developing A Mantra
- Listening To Learn and Lifelong Learning
- Questions That Reframe and Reset To Mindset
Lesson 3. Impacts of Growth Mindset on Teams
- Impact on Challenges and Failure
- Impact on Trust and Human Connection
- Impact on Speed and Efficiency
- Impact on Client Services and Problem Solving
- Impact on Innovation and Growth
Lesson 4. Developing Your Personal Growth Mindset
- Reflect on Key Past Challenges and Obstacles
- Evaluate Historical Thinking and Action Patterns
- Reconnecting to Purpose and Vision
- Identifying Desired Tangible Outcomes
- Adjusting and Refining Methodologies and Habits
- Visualizing Growth Past Minded Moments
Lesson 5. Mapping Out The Next 90 Days
- Design Your Life & Career 5 Years From Now
- Inventory of Key Areas, Relationships, Projects to Prepare For
- Anticipate and Invite the Unexpected
- Inviting Others to Join Your Effort
Lesson 6. Long Term Habits of the Growth Minded
- The Value of Habits
- The Winning Habits of the Growth Minded
- Building Habit with Momentum
Lesson 7. Practice Commitments into Action
- Participants Share One Key Take Away
- Participants Define and Share A Practice Commitment
- Where it Drives Performance
- Closing Remarks
Learner Outcomes
After Completing this program, participants will be able to:
- Describe growth mindset and its impact on business performance
- Shift quickly between fixed and growth mindsets when faced with challenges and uncertainty
- Identify specific daily practices to develop and expand one's growth mindset and grit
- Develop a 90-day action plan to refine and expand your growth mindset within your team (and throughout one's life)
Course Specifications
Contact Hours
- 6 hours over 1 or 2 class sessions (TBD)
- Optional self-paced work following class