Directions to Emory Continuing Education
Emory Continuing Education, Emory Corporate Learning, and OLLI at Emory are currently located in the Century Center office park. Select courses may be held in other locations.

ECE Online
ECE offers a wide variety of courses in a live online format.
ECE Online details (ECE Online)
The Century Center complex in Atlanta houses our management team, as well as learning spaces for ECE, Emory Corporate Learning, and OLLI.
Atlanta location details (Atlanta)Location Policies
CE classes on Emory's campus and at Emory-area locations will follow Emory University guidelines -- students and instructors should call 404.727.1234 and/or check the Emory homepage for information regarding University closings due to inclement weather.
- All interior space owned, rented, or leased by Emory;
- All outside property or grounds owned or wholly leased by Emory, including parking areas – this applies to private vehicles while they are on Emory property and Emory vehicles
- Cigarettes
- Cigars
- Pipes
- All forms of smokeless tobacco
- Clove cigarettes
- Any other smoking devices that use tobacco such as hookahs, or simulate the use of tobacco such as electronic cigarettes.