Training and Development
Emory Continuing Education offers specialized learning that builds skills in training leadership.

Delivering Impactful Training Experiences in the Classroom and Online
Your training outline is fully developed, and the course material is ready for delivery…but how do you maximize participant engagement while properly utilizing best practices for presentations? Join us to explore the methodologies of group learning and classroom dynamics. We will identify practical techniques designed to energize your training and ensure that your messages and material are delivered in a professional, positive manner. We will also work to master the technology that makes online training possible, including detailed instructions on how to deliver a premium interactive experience that commands the same level of excitement as your classroom training.
Delivering Impactful Training Experiences in the Classroom and Online Course Details (Delivering Impactful Training Experiences in the Classroom and Online)
Training Design for Trainers
This program is designed to provide “non-trainers” with a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts of training design. The primary focus is on designing programs that incorporate basic concepts of adult learning. The program is most appropriate if you are a subject matter expert (SME) who has been asked to provide training to others in your area of expertise. Ideally you will be working with real examples of training you are (or will be) designing/redesigning.
Training Design for Trainers Course Details (Training Design for Trainers)
Strategic Communications in the Workplace
This course develops the skills to read other people and see how others interpret their behaviors. It creates a deep seated appreciation for the needs of their co-workers. Ultimately, the program helps participants adapt their communication styles in a way that creates an enduring working alliance among team members and fosters a deeper sense of organizational engagement.
Strategic Communications in the Workplace Course Details (Strategic Communications in the Workplace)