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The Power of Personal Branding

Personal branding

Improve your success in business

In this course you will learn what a personal brand is, what the benefits are in having a clearly defined brand, and how to build and manage your own. You will leave with a new understanding of yourself as an individual and as a business entity, a provider of business services. You will also gain an understanding of how to use your brand to promote yourself and/or services. This class discusses the power of having an outstanding brand, something that companies have known and used for years, and maps it onto the individual for increase effectiveness, success and personal power.

Anyone who wishes to improve their success in business is right for this class. The Power of Personal Brand is for anyone who depends on their relationship with others for business success. Sales professionals, customer service personnel, team managers, corporate employees, people who want to get promoted or find a new job are great examples of those who benefit from this course. You should take this class if you want to stand out from the crowd, be noticed and rewarded for your unique talents, gain greater focus for your career, be more confident in your job search, be regarded as a leader in your field, thrive even during economic downturns, and command higher compensation.

Learner Outcomes

After successfully completing this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand what personal brand is and why it's important
  • Explore ways to begin to identify one's brand
  • Guidance in how to continue the research and development after class is over
  • Gain a greater sense of self and the importance of valuing oneself and one's contribution (“value proposition”)
  • Define ways to maintain, use and improve brand over time

Course Outline

Lesson 1. Overview of Brand

  • Initial exercise
  • Favorite Celebrity, their brand

Lesson 2. How you feel them vs. how you feel about you

  • What it's not
  • What it is

Lesson 3. Components – PREP

  • Description
  • Why you should care
  • Thosewith thebestbrands win

Lesson 4. How company brand applies to personal brand

  • Proof
  • Statistics- purchasing and hiring
  • Statistics- perception

Lesson 5. Conscious and unconscious minds – where choices are made

  • Personal brand media

Lesson 6. How we convey our brand to each other

  • Brand Development
  • Talent profile

Lesson 7. Values assessment

Lesson 8. Individual characteristics

  • Games you've won

Lesson 9. How to do more research by polling your community

Lesson 10. Soul searching – destiny, cause and calling

Lesson 11. Drafting a brand statement

  • Sample statements
  • Write one of your own

Lesson 12. What to do with it now (advertise)

  • Brand Management
  • Building your brand
  • Known-fors
  • Visibility program
  • Personal development
  • Maintaining your brand
  • Avoidlosing ground
  • Ongoing activities
  • Keysto brand and personal success
  • Resources

Course Specifications

Course Length: 3 hours

Next Steps

This course is currently not offered to the public.